    [payinstore] => WC_Gateway_PayInStore Object
            [order_button_text] => 
            [enabled] => yes
            [title] => Πληρωμή στο κατάστημα.
            [description] => Η πληρωμή θα γίνει με μετρητά κατά την παραλαβή από το κατάστημα μας επί της οδού Κωνσταντινουπόλεως 15 στη Θεσσαλονίκη.
            [chosen] => 
            [method_title] => Pay in Store
            [method_description] => Have your customers pay with cash (or by other means) in store upon  pickup.
            [has_fields] => 
            [countries] => 
            [availability] => 
            [icon] => 
            [supports] => Array
                    [0] => products

            [max_amount] => 0
            [view_transaction_url] => 
            [new_method_label] => 
            [pay_button_id] => 
            [tokens:protected] => Array

            [plugin_id] => woocommerce_
            [id] => payinstore
            [errors] => Array

            [settings] => Array
                    [enabled] => yes
                    [title] => Πληρωμή στο κατάστημα.
                    [description] => Η πληρωμή θα γίνει με μετρητά κατά την παραλαβή από το κατάστημα μας επί της οδού Κωνσταντινουπόλεως 15 στη Θεσσαλονίκη.
                    [instructions] => Πληρωμή με μετρητά κατά την παράδοση.
                    [enable_for_methods] => Array
                            [0] => local_pickup

                    [enable_for_virtual] => yes

            [form_fields] => Array
                    [enabled] => Array
                            [title] => Enable Pay in Store
                            [label] => Enable Pay in Store
                            [type] => checkbox
                            [description] => 
                            [default] => no

                    [title] => Array
                            [title] => Title
                            [type] => text
                            [description] => Payment method description that the customer will see on your checkout.
                            [default] => Pay in Store
                            [desc_tip] => 1

                    [description] => Array
                            [title] => Description
                            [type] => textarea
                            [description] => Payment method description that the customer will see on your website.
                            [default] => Pay with cash upon delivery.
                            [desc_tip] => 1

                    [instructions] => Array
                            [title] => Instructions
                            [type] => textarea
                            [description] => Instructions that will be added to the thank you page.
                            [default] => Pay with cash upon delivery.
                            [desc_tip] => 1

                    [enable_for_methods] => Array
                            [title] => Enable for shipping methods
                            [type] => multiselect
                            [class] => wc-enhanced-select
                            [css] => width: 450px;
                            [default] => 
                            [description] => If Pay in Store is only available for certain methods, set it up here. Leave blank to enable for all methods.
                            [options] => Array

                            [desc_tip] => 1
                            [custom_attributes] => Array
                                    [data-placeholder] => Select shipping methods


                    [enable_for_virtual] => Array
                            [title] => Accept for virtual orders
                            [label] => Accept Pay in Store if the order is virtual
                            [type] => checkbox
                            [default] => yes


            [data:protected] => Array

            [instructions] => Πληρωμή με μετρητά κατά την παράδοση.
            [enable_for_methods] => Array
                    [0] => local_pickup

            [enable_for_virtual] => 1

    [vivawallet_native] => WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway Object
            [client_id:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] =>
            [client_secret:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => Q9S4v444b6H7oG4Sr33o44kLu977KR
            [source_code:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => WC-0002
            [test_mode:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => no
            [test_client_id:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => 
            [test_client_secret:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => 
            [test_source_code:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => 
            [credentials:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => Array
                    [demo_token] => 
                    [live_token] => eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjYyODk4N0E3MDQ2QTUyQzkzMDY2NDJFMkJGQjBBNUY5OUJFQkFCQkVSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IllvbUhwd1JxVXNrd1prTGl2N0NsLVp2cnE3NCIsInR5cCI6ImF0K2p3dCJ9.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.rPHZ3p6yVhxYubKr2yWWxd2qZLe8HG7hXu80QfKqzSQ9IyPed1YVo3XHUnf0OZRNCWJ0NSvUjYUq0TVHwhRLM3D_7nr0zOZ5HDpH_GI8F2U7ReqiL8FvRXFj3U7hH4X_hsrAbdP_1xFAaf1GLSO5STC6fskdlvc6X1pgJP2kb2WFGnFp9zV0t5qXEO6uiuH8lnSYgMNLt29G99yaMxtOrO6XYvjTjyPP5lQ5mRaCKa5j-1NrBxlqNe0tDT3EGaAdI2JOKzizrVXuNYoZX4exioyIUtaUXRlOV61v1dAGfkKb2aYBkWP9r1rAhiPnNxVCOQKbxgssWZ3fOCI86E9k3L0jv_zYdI7oSHueMawlQLAoJmvfVI-yOXdi9hC-PclX57TgFcYMNG7W32wxqWEfeDTK7gDQqcR0Hce9WBy88IF82CdR1UuW9mfFDMHdYOHqJdNCDQIEDDgkvDo00HhUuu71QfV_jPpmgtBorHdfVr5_9xJHO2pS8gzgsvXSfChu_96XqmYaqiEQQNjexbV5rSB9saWD-ylwU_d7PJ8U912M0RygcRjlU9IbWeW0Xh6ex4y1qbb63ma3mX2i7H0FmP1qhEj3ryF1XyDLw6hagH_dyK74pXKRn70jQyXqRHZkheNpOajZtGOrorocRWytmd4MslY36v3pUKhqPS0hUhA

            [demo_source_list:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => 
            [live_source_list:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => 
            [capture_immediately:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => 
            [order_status:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => processing
            [instalments:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => 
            [order_button_text] => 
            [enabled] => yes
            [title] => Πληρωμή με πιστωτική/ χρεωστική κάρτα.
            [description] => Check-out safely using a credit/debit card through Viva e-commerce (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, Diners).
            [chosen] => 
            [method_title] => Viva Wallet for WooCommerce
            [method_description] => Sign up for a demo account to test the API. Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Amex and more. 
            [has_fields] => 1
            [countries] => 
            [availability] => 
            [icon] =>
            [supports] => Array
                    [0] => products
                    [1] => refunds
                    [2] => tokenization

            [max_amount] => 0
            [view_transaction_url] => 
            [new_method_label] => 
            [pay_button_id] => 
            [tokens:protected] => Array

            [plugin_id] => woocommerce_
            [id] => vivawallet_native
            [errors] => Array

            [settings] => Array
                    [main_title] => 
                    [enabled] => yes
                    [sep] => 
                    [credentials] => 
                    [test_mode] => no
                    [title_2] => 
                    [title_3] => 
                    [client_id] =>
                    [test_client_id] => 
                    [client_secret] => Q9S4v444b6H7oG4Sr33o44kLu977KR
                    [test_client_secret] => 
                    [sep_2] => 
                    [apple_pay] => no
                    [test_apple_pay] => no
                    [sep_3] => 
                    [advanced_settings_title] => 
                    [advanced_settings_enabled] => yes
                    [main_descr] => 
                    [title] => Πληρωμή με πιστωτική/ χρεωστική κάρτα.
                    [description] => Check-out safely using a credit/debit card through Viva e-commerce (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, Diners).
                    [instalments] => 
                    [source_code] => WC-0002
                    [test_source_code] => 
                    [logo_enabled] => no
                    [cc_logo_enabled] => yes
                    [order_status] => processing
                    [source_error] => 
                    [viva_settings_changed] => no
                    [capture_immediately] => 

            [form_fields] => Array
                    [main_title] => Array
                            [title] => Viva Wallet for WooCommerce settings
                            [type] => title

                    [enabled] => Array
                            [title] => Enable Viva Wallet
                            [type] => checkbox
                            [label] => Enable Viva Wallet Gateway to receive payments from all major credit cards through your Viva Wallet account.
                            [default] => no

                    [sep] => Array
                            [title] => 
                            [type] => title
                            [description] => 
) [credentials] => Array ( [title] => Set Viva Wallet API credentials [type] => title [description] => To find out how to retrieve your credentials for the payment gateway, please visit the Viva Wallet for WooCommerce installation guide. ) [test_mode] => Array ( [title] => Demo mode [type] => checkbox [label] => Enable demo mode [description] => If Demo Mode is enabled, please use the credentials you got from [default] => yes ) [title_2] => Array ( [title] => Live mode credentials [type] => title ) [title_3] => Array ( [title] => Demo mode credentials [type] => title ) [client_id] => Array ( [title] => Live Client ID [type] => text [description] => Client ID provided by Viva Wallet. [default] => ) [test_client_id] => Array ( [title] => Demo Client ID [type] => text [description] => Client ID provided by Viva Wallet. [default] => ) [client_secret] => Array ( [title] => Live Client Secret [type] => text [description] => Client Secret provided by Viva Wallet. [default] => ) [test_client_secret] => Array ( [title] => Demo Client Secret [type] => text [description] => Client Secret provided by Viva Wallet. [default] => ) [sep_2] => Array ( [title] => [type] => title [description] =>
) [apple_pay] => Array ( [title] => Live Apple Pay enable [label] => Enable Apple Pay API in Live Mode.
By using Apple Pay, you agree to Apple's terms of service. [type] => checkbox [description] => If enabled, users will be able to pay using Apple Pay if supported by the browser. [default] => no ) [test_apple_pay] => Array ( [title] => Demo Apple Pay enable [label] => Enable Apple Pay API in Demo Mode.
By using Apple Pay, you agree to Apple's terms of service. [type] => checkbox [description] => If enabled, users will be able to pay using Apple Pay if supported by the browser. [default] => no ) [sep_3] => Array ( [title] => [type] => title [description] =>
) [advanced_settings_title] => Array ( [title] => Advanced settings [type] => title ) [advanced_settings_enabled] => Array ( [title] => Show advanced settings [type] => checkbox [label] => Show advanced settings. If this checkbox is unchecked, the plugin will use default settings. [default] => no ) [main_descr] => Array ( [title] => Set the title and description of the payment gateway. Title and description are visible to end users in the checkout page. [type] => title ) [title] => Array ( [title] => Title [type] => text [description] => This controls the title which the user sees on checkout page. [default] => Payment card (Viva Wallet) ) [description] => Array ( [title] => Description [type] => text [description] => This controls the description which the user sees on checkout page. [default] => Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Amex and more. ) [instalments] => Array ( [title] => Installments [type] => text [description] => WARNING: Only available to Greek Viva Wallet accounts.
Example: 90:3,180:6
Order total 90 euro -> allow 0 and 3 installments
Order total 180 euro -> allow 0, 3 and 6 installments
Leave empty in case you do not want to offer installments. [default] => ) [source_code] => Array ( [title] => Live Source Code List [type] => select [description] => Provides a list with all source codes that are set in your Viva Wallet banking app. [default] => [options] => Array ( ) ) [test_source_code] => Array ( [title] => Demo Source Code List [type] => select [description] => Provides a list with all source codes that are set in the Viva Wallet banking app [default] => [options] => Array ( ) ) [logo_enabled] => Array ( [title] => Show Viva Wallet logo. [type] => checkbox [label] => Enable Viva Wallet logo on checkout page (default = yes). [default] => yes ) [cc_logo_enabled] => Array ( [title] => Show credit card logo on checkout page. [type] => checkbox [label] => Enable credit card logo in the form element input as the user types credit card number info (default = yes). [default] => yes ) [order_status] => Array ( [title] => Order status after successful payment. [description] => Your WooCommerce will be updated to this status after successful payment on Viva Wallet (default = completed). [default] => completed [type] => select [options] => Array ( [completed] => Completed [processing] => Processing ) ) [source_error] => Array ( [default] => [title] => [type] => title ) ) [data:protected] => Array ( ) ) )