[payinstore] => WC_Gateway_PayInStore Object
[order_button_text] =>
[enabled] => yes
[title] => Πληρωμή στο κατάστημα.
[description] => Η πληρωμή θα γίνει με μετρητά κατά την παραλαβή από το κατάστημα μας επί της οδού Κωνσταντινουπόλεως 15 στη Θεσσαλονίκη.
[chosen] =>
[method_title] => Pay in Store
[method_description] => Have your customers pay with cash (or by other means) in store upon pickup.
[has_fields] =>
[countries] =>
[availability] =>
[icon] =>
[supports] => Array
[0] => products
[max_amount] => 0
[view_transaction_url] =>
[new_method_label] =>
[pay_button_id] =>
[tokens:protected] => Array
[plugin_id] => woocommerce_
[id] => payinstore
[errors] => Array
[settings] => Array
[enabled] => yes
[title] => Πληρωμή στο κατάστημα.
[description] => Η πληρωμή θα γίνει με μετρητά κατά την παραλαβή από το κατάστημα μας επί της οδού Κωνσταντινουπόλεως 15 στη Θεσσαλονίκη.
[instructions] => Πληρωμή με μετρητά κατά την παράδοση.
[enable_for_methods] => Array
[0] => local_pickup
[enable_for_virtual] => yes
[form_fields] => Array
[enabled] => Array
[title] => Enable Pay in Store
[label] => Enable Pay in Store
[type] => checkbox
[description] =>
[default] => no
[title] => Array
[title] => Title
[type] => text
[description] => Payment method description that the customer will see on your checkout.
[default] => Pay in Store
[desc_tip] => 1
[description] => Array
[title] => Description
[type] => textarea
[description] => Payment method description that the customer will see on your website.
[default] => Pay with cash upon delivery.
[desc_tip] => 1
[instructions] => Array
[title] => Instructions
[type] => textarea
[description] => Instructions that will be added to the thank you page.
[default] => Pay with cash upon delivery.
[desc_tip] => 1
[enable_for_methods] => Array
[title] => Enable for shipping methods
[type] => multiselect
[class] => wc-enhanced-select
[css] => width: 450px;
[default] =>
[description] => If Pay in Store is only available for certain methods, set it up here. Leave blank to enable for all methods.
[options] => Array
[desc_tip] => 1
[custom_attributes] => Array
[data-placeholder] => Select shipping methods
[enable_for_virtual] => Array
[title] => Accept for virtual orders
[label] => Accept Pay in Store if the order is virtual
[type] => checkbox
[default] => yes
[data:protected] => Array
[instructions] => Πληρωμή με μετρητά κατά την παράδοση.
[enable_for_methods] => Array
[0] => local_pickup
[enable_for_virtual] => 1
[vivawallet_native] => WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway Object
[client_id:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] =>
[client_secret:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => Q9S4v444b6H7oG4Sr33o44kLu977KR
[source_code:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => WC-0002
[test_mode:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => no
[test_client_id:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] =>
[test_client_secret:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] =>
[test_source_code:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] =>
[credentials:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => Array
[demo_token] =>
[live_token] => eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjYyODk4N0E3MDQ2QTUyQzkzMDY2NDJFMkJGQjBBNUY5OUJFQkFCQkVSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IllvbUhwd1JxVXNrd1prTGl2N0NsLVp2cnE3NCIsInR5cCI6ImF0K2p3dCJ9.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.WRw2mr4ActqvglZKWd4IiM4x8uFsG-DcJLpXfMsIdJai2XFy8UvBvkJxny5ibqhUXfpu6NhnuU4kxX4Lb17qQL0HwTV3TyNdbW6fNdwuL7ZRtggGccGI2cPDwWwOHj0KB0Q9eXCNpRGk6S0iuJxFaAHkFoSo9dAd5V3xtuxsTBZdh3ukCOYzy_KZOECi5mND5XqF6uO6Dto-IDXQjUnGnYOd0_64TE6LjhKBpZkIILfWUwVPb6WP-1q142L6Rpqmu45bOTqsAJNiqOYGHbwhRdsVzQW7snKV6EFrN1du5rZhP-fPuKHOO1N9r6yPNjLZ1bszTGoz0ykH2ySHh2L3pSROwc-0Myp9ngZPUt-lYeUmbN-hcHjJabWt4OXOJV2XvbaEeBQtfzqcV5JAkZZOamwE4ClVexAemtcigsgLDClzoqD6f4j6-1FmCq5ZzIp_GFZQ-gQ0fqg-m9X8bIH9p3-zLCCzkhUt4Ko74ndZJskQYADT-oxoJDeqHpbDIePHwyEfbimxW-b88rLIm2epprZWGt4mvCKoWQjQxmFqd4V6cmujTvD7Zw0oj9tjKRQo1nQ0uEYYOBDV8Cm8KNDPm8p13-Vadgeyxuzf3AHiViWe-3L2NS0392lERzHG0wItfJwDznc00hzSeN7P9dJ8o-3y6gebvd85Jm9DKjipyN8
[demo_source_list:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] =>
[live_source_list:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] =>
[capture_immediately:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] =>
[order_status:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] => processing
[instalments:WC_Vivawallet_Payment_Gateway:private] =>
[order_button_text] =>
[enabled] => yes
[title] => Πληρωμή με πιστωτική/ χρεωστική κάρτα.
[description] => Check-out safely using a credit/debit card through Viva e-commerce (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, Diners).
[chosen] =>
[method_title] => Viva Wallet for WooCommerce
[method_description] => Sign up for a demo account to test the API. Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Amex and more.
[has_fields] => 1
[countries] =>
[availability] =>
[icon] =>
[supports] => Array
[0] => products
[1] => refunds
[2] => tokenization
[max_amount] => 0
[view_transaction_url] =>
[new_method_label] =>
[pay_button_id] =>
[tokens:protected] => Array
[plugin_id] => woocommerce_
[id] => vivawallet_native
[errors] => Array
[settings] => Array
[main_title] =>
[enabled] => yes
[sep] =>
[credentials] =>
[test_mode] => no
[title_2] =>
[title_3] =>
[client_id] =>
[test_client_id] =>
[client_secret] => Q9S4v444b6H7oG4Sr33o44kLu977KR
[test_client_secret] =>
[sep_2] =>
[apple_pay] => no
[test_apple_pay] => no
[sep_3] =>
[advanced_settings_title] =>
[advanced_settings_enabled] => yes
[main_descr] =>
[title] => Πληρωμή με πιστωτική/ χρεωστική κάρτα.
[description] => Check-out safely using a credit/debit card through Viva e-commerce (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, Diners).
[instalments] =>
[source_code] => WC-0002
[test_source_code] =>
[logo_enabled] => no
[cc_logo_enabled] => yes
[order_status] => processing
[source_error] =>
[viva_settings_changed] => no
[capture_immediately] =>
[form_fields] => Array
[main_title] => Array
[title] => Viva Wallet for WooCommerce settings
[type] => title
[enabled] => Array
[title] => Enable Viva Wallet
[type] => checkbox
[label] => Enable Viva Wallet Gateway to receive payments from all major credit cards through your Viva Wallet account.
[default] => no
[sep] => Array
[title] =>
[type] => title
[description] =>
[credentials] => Array
[title] => Set Viva Wallet API credentials
[type] => title
[description] => To find out how to retrieve your credentials for the payment gateway, please visit the Viva Wallet for WooCommerce installation guide.
[test_mode] => Array
[title] => Demo mode
[type] => checkbox
[label] => Enable demo mode
[description] => If Demo Mode is enabled, please use the credentials you got from
[default] => yes
[title_2] => Array
[title] => Live mode credentials
[type] => title
[title_3] => Array
[title] => Demo mode credentials
[type] => title
[client_id] => Array
[title] => Live Client ID
[type] => text
[description] => Client ID provided by Viva Wallet.
[default] =>
[test_client_id] => Array
[title] => Demo Client ID
[type] => text
[description] => Client ID provided by Viva Wallet.
[default] =>
[client_secret] => Array
[title] => Live Client Secret
[type] => text
[description] => Client Secret provided by Viva Wallet.
[default] =>
[test_client_secret] => Array
[title] => Demo Client Secret
[type] => text
[description] => Client Secret provided by Viva Wallet.
[default] =>
[sep_2] => Array
[title] =>
[type] => title
[description] =>
[apple_pay] => Array
[title] => Live Apple Pay enable
[label] => Enable Apple Pay API in Live Mode.
By using Apple Pay, you agree to Apple's terms of service.
[type] => checkbox
[description] => If enabled, users will be able to pay using Apple Pay if supported by the browser.
[default] => no
[test_apple_pay] => Array
[title] => Demo Apple Pay enable
[label] => Enable Apple Pay API in Demo Mode.
By using Apple Pay, you agree to Apple's terms of service.
[type] => checkbox
[description] => If enabled, users will be able to pay using Apple Pay if supported by the browser.
[default] => no
[sep_3] => Array
[title] =>
[type] => title
[description] =>
[advanced_settings_title] => Array
[title] => Advanced settings
[type] => title
[advanced_settings_enabled] => Array
[title] => Show advanced settings
[type] => checkbox
[label] => Show advanced settings. If this checkbox is unchecked, the plugin will use default settings.
[default] => no
[main_descr] => Array
[title] => Set the title and description of the payment gateway. Title and description are visible to end users in the checkout page.
[type] => title
[title] => Array
[title] => Title
[type] => text
[description] => This controls the title which the user sees on checkout page.
[default] => Payment card (Viva Wallet)
[description] => Array
[title] => Description
[type] => text
[description] => This controls the description which the user sees on checkout page.
[default] => Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Amex and more.
[instalments] => Array
[title] => Installments
[type] => text
[description] => WARNING: Only available to Greek Viva Wallet accounts.
Example: 90:3,180:6
Order total 90 euro -> allow 0 and 3 installments
Order total 180 euro -> allow 0, 3 and 6 installments
Leave empty in case you do not want to offer installments.
[default] =>
[source_code] => Array
[title] => Live Source Code List
[type] => select
[description] => Provides a list with all source codes that are set in your Viva Wallet banking app.
[default] =>
[options] => Array
[test_source_code] => Array
[title] => Demo Source Code List
[type] => select
[description] => Provides a list with all source codes that are set in the Viva Wallet banking app
[default] =>
[options] => Array
[logo_enabled] => Array
[title] => Show Viva Wallet logo.
[type] => checkbox
[label] => Enable Viva Wallet logo on checkout page (default = yes).
[default] => yes
[cc_logo_enabled] => Array
[title] => Show credit card logo on checkout page.
[type] => checkbox
[label] => Enable credit card logo in the form element input as the user types credit card number info (default = yes).
[default] => yes
[order_status] => Array
[title] => Order status after successful payment.
[description] => Your WooCommerce will be updated to this status after successful payment on Viva Wallet (default = completed).
[default] => completed
[type] => select
[options] => Array
[completed] => Completed
[processing] => Processing
[source_error] => Array
[default] =>
[title] =>
[type] => title
[data:protected] => Array